Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010

He was a great man and a wonderful grandfather. I am glad that he was able to be part of her baby blessing and that he felt so happy that he was part of it.
For Kyle's birthday we went to the Demolition Derby in Spanish Fork.

We got little Allyson's pictures taken a week ago. She cooperated pretty well. Since she is sitting up, it was easy to get good shots of her. This was daddy's favorite picture. See her fingers in her mouth? That means she is very happy. That is the only time she puts her fingers, or fist, in her mouth. If the angle was a little be over, you could see she is smiling big.
She is six months old this month of September. Time has sure flown by. It sure didn't go this fast when I was pregnant...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Summer is about past
Today feels like Autumn. I love that feel. There is a stillness in the air, even when there is a breeze.
Before I continue, I must apologize to all the mother's out there. In the past I couldn't relate to you. I would receive letters, emails, christmas cards, etc. that talked about your children and the stages of life they were in. I didn't always read the parts about the children, because I had no real understanding of the joy that was being shared. I get it now. It is something I had to experience myself.
Since the last post Allyson has had some new experiences. She has been to a rodeo, funeral, swimming pool, and waterfall. She has been babysat by her Aunt Gina at the Miller's house and only cried while I was there. She has had her first cold, fall from off the bed, scratch from the cat, mosquito bite, and taste of cereal. She is sitting up, crawling backward (hasn't figured out that pushing your feet and arms/head against each other, only keeps you in the same place) crawling in circle, still sleeping through the night, giggling and being very cute. She has met all her cousins and grand parents.
And she just woke up and is calling me....
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Milk, It does a body good

When a baby only eats 1 food (milk) it is normal , convenient, and healthy. There are no fights when she is hungry. I may need to remind her that the unpleasant feeling she has is cured by eating, so that the tears cease. She never tells me that she doesn't feel like milk today. She never starts to eat and says that it tastes gross or looks icky. Babies are wonderful.
When a child or adult eats only 1 food it is not normal, convenient, or healthy. I pray that Allyson does not end up being like I was as a child and would only drink chocolate milk and eat melted cheese on bread.
I just finished reading Peter and the Starcatchers co authored by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. It was a fun book. I wanted to read it because I have always loved the columns that Dave Barry has written. The book is about "Peter Pan" prior to the Disney movie. About how Peter became a flying, never ageing boy who lives in Never Land.
It is quite a feat for me to read a book anymore. I have to have a book that I can hold easily or will lay flat, so that I can read while holding or feeding Allyson. Allyson sleeps through the night nearly every night, so I'm not up as much to feed her, which used to be a great time to read. Allyson is a big fan of being held all day and not a big fan of the baby swing. I am not really complaining though, I love being a mom and taking care of my little girl.
We are looking forward to seeing Uncle Lin and Uncle Tamale this weekend. Allyson loves her cousins, and will be sad to not get to meet the Wilde kids.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Allyson, our little Bug

Friday, May 14, 2010
Welcome to our Blog

Well, now I have done it. I decided to make a blog for our family. Now our family and friends can see how boring we are. Good thing we now have little Allyson, or we might have nothing to talk about.

This month Allyson was blessed at church. I spent the time she was napping sewing her dress. It was the first time I had sewn an article of clothing for yeeeeears. I had to call Gina and ask her some silly sewing questions and have her help with the zipper. It turned out great. I was scared it would be too small, but it was a little baggy. After church we had family over for lunch.
Allyson is 2 months old now. She is behaving great. She is not colicky anymore(or at least for now). I have been able to put her in her bouncy chair and she will play or just wiggle for a half hour at a time. Strolling in the stroller is fun for her. She is starting to make more noises (other than cries).
Thanks for stopping by. I'm still figuring this out, so i'll probably make lots of changes and fixes in the first month.
- Megan
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