Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sorbet Recipe

I know my sister has a garden full of cantaloupe and honeydew melons   And the kids are already sick of eating them.  So one way to use them would be to make sorbet.  Sorbet is super easy.

First thing you need is simple syrup.
1 part sugar : 1 part water
allow it to dissolve completely
(when you combine 2 cups water and 2 cups sugar you will yield about 3 cups Simple Syrup, 2+2=3!)

For Fruit Puree Sorbet

2 parts Simple Syrup : 3 parts Fruit Puree

For Fruit Juice Sorbet

1 part Simple Syrup : 1 part juice

Cantaloupe Sorbet

Step 1) combine 2 cups water and 2 cups sugar, allow these to dissolve completely, or simmer on the stove then let it cool

Step 2) puree cantaloupe in food processor to yield 4 1/2 cups (1 large cantaloupe)

Step 3: add the simple syrup to the cantaloupe, mix

Step 4) Chill

Step 5) process in your ice cream maker

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