Today feels like Autumn. I love that feel. There is a stillness in the air, even when there is a breeze.
Before I continue, I must apologize to all the mother's out there. In the past I couldn't relate to you. I would receive letters, emails, christmas cards, etc. that talked about your children and the stages of life they were in. I didn't always read the parts about the children, because I had no real understanding of the joy that was being shared. I get it now. It is something I had to experience myself.
Since the last post Allyson has had some new experiences. She has been to a rodeo, funeral, swimming pool, and waterfall. She has been babysat by her Aunt Gina at the Miller's house and only cried while I was there. She has had her first cold, fall from off the bed, scratch from the cat, mosquito bite, and taste of cereal. She is sitting up, crawling backward (hasn't figured out that pushing your feet and arms/head against each other, only keeps you in the same place) crawling in circle, still sleeping through the night, giggling and being very cute. She has met all her cousins and grand parents.
And she just woke up and is calling me....
I love the feeling of Fall too. And that is a great way to describe it, a stillness in the air. I also think of fall air being warmer even if the temperature says otherwise. Fall is just the best.
Allyson is adorable! And it sounds like her summer has been more eventful than mine. :)
Hope everything is going well.
Being a mom changes everything, doesn't it?!
I love her smile! Adorable!
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